Editorial “Freedom of speech is defended through tenacity and endurance, not by one-off actions” The vociferous international defence of Russian punk band Pussy Riot was encouraging to see while it lasted. The... Text: Ola Larsmo September 27 2012
Editorial The evil paradox of the media society No one can remain untouched by the current assaults against civilians in Syria. Most people, too, I believe, when... Text: Ola Larsmo July 02 2012
Editorial Editorial How could we understand what is actually “taking place?” Text: Ola Larsmo December 14 2011
Editorial EDITORIAL “Prison literature is a dynamic genre of our time” Text: Ola Larsmo September 23 2011
Editorial Editorial PEN/Opp grew out of a feeling of anger and frustration. Text: Ola Larsmo July 07 2011